Have you ever seen a picture, advertising, or commercial and wondered...WHY? Maybe it was just bad or maybe the image had no real correlation to what the product was. Well, I am starting a new series that is not real profound but could be fun. It's called, "Why?" Whenever I see one of these things I'm going to capture it and post it. If you see something that makes you say "WHY?" then feel free to add to the fun.
WHY? #1
At first this may seem like nothing, but think for a second. What does a mother holding up her child and laughing have to do with fuel.
I mean, besides rich saudi kings laughing at us for buying all their overpriced oil - I do not know many mothers who can't wait to get to the gas station so they can play with their small children. If anything, my mom had us roll up the windows and hold our breathe so the fumes would not melt our insides (or so I thought).
I know this sweet silhouette is probably meant to make me want to be a better dad or something but come one...it's on a gas station pump. It is covered with fuel and it smells. My thoughts while pumping gas are not, "I would love to have a kodak moment with my kids right now", but rather "those kids better not unbuckle their seats jump in the front seat and hit the gas again!"
So I guess I would have to ask my friends at Quality Plus...WHY?
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