
Living for Eternity

11:47 AM

Time Flies...and I Dance

Posted by thecrump |

So todays post I have to hand to my dad.  He is currently going through old movies and will be transferring them to DVD's.  For you young kids...we used to have videos on VHS tapes and even Beta (ask your parents).  

This means a couple things:
1) More and more videos of me as a kid popping up on YouTube
2) Complete and utter embarrassment.

It's not like ramming my head into a wall is bad enough.  Now, I am taken back in time to the days when I had hair but no clue as to what was before me.

In this video I play a demon who is charged with keeping a group of kids on a mission trip from being of any use.  A couple of them are in the midst of a sexual relationship, one is an arrogant church kid who passes out tracts to ever thing that moves but then makes fun of those he claims to love.  I can't remember much else...oh yes, there is singing and dancing.  

The funny thing about this play was that it was called "Truthslayers".  That's funny because without context people saw our shirts (with the title) and thought we were little heathens out to destroy truth (when in fact we were the opposite).  While this was a not a real big deal I began to think that this is happening more and more in our day and age.  Truth has begun to be destroyed more and more.  The Bible has been regarded as just another book and the very truths of scripture and God have slowly been eroding from the world and the church.

More and more churches are sidestepping theology and the doctrines in exchange for the tickling of the ears and emotional engagement.  Just check out the popularity of the book "The Shack". There is nothing biblically correct in this book and yet there are many churches teaching on it inside their walls.  This is opposed to Paul's cry for discernment and rejection of such things:

"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." 1 Timothy 4:16

"If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing." 1 Timothy 6:3

"He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it." Titus 1:9

If we do not stand for the Truth of God's word and the doctrines of the faith then we will continue down that slippery slope that leads to elevating man's wisdom above God's wisdom.  No matter how it makes us feel or how cool it may appear, if it stands in opposition of scripture it must be condemned and put out of the church.  There are hundreds (probably thousands) of these kinds of teachings inside churches and books in our Christian bookstores and if we are not quick to dismiss them we are in error...and if we celebrate them and accept them as truth then we are lost.

Everything must be measured by scripture (even these words you are reading).  It is our divine plum line that should guide our lives and what we say is good or bad.  May we dive into the Holy Scripture so that we may know the truths of God and be able to discern what is good and pleasing to Him.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2


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