"I'm a good person"
"I haven't killed anyone"
"I do good stuff"
I have said all of these things in my lifetime. Growing up in a strong Christian family I was raised with an understanding of right versus wrong. I was taught to love the Lord and to keep the commandments. I was a "good kid".
I never did drugs
I never drank alcohol
I never stole anything
Of course, that night my junior year of high school when God took a sledge hammer to my pride and opened the eyes of my heart to see how wretched I was...things changed.
1 Corinthians 4:4-5 says, "For I know of nothing against myself, yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God."
Since Paul was speaking to believers at this time in 1 Corinthians he is speaking of the bema seat judgment where true Christians will be judged on their actions for rewards (not salvation). As a believer in Christ the works I do for the glory of God will be counted for rewards in heaven. Of course, if they are done with a wrong motive they will be burned up in the fire of judgement (1 Cor 3:13-15). As Paul mentioned in the verse above, he saw nothing against himself. He understood his actions to be good and his life to be pleasing to God. With this said he then makes a very important statement, "yet I am not justified by this; but He who judges me is the Lord."
As fallen people (even being born again) we can many times not realize our sinfulness or our wrong motivations. If you had asked me growing up if I were living a life pleasing to the Lord I would have given you a mighty "AMEN" and then started singing a Carmen song. But as I realized many years later I was harboring sin. My attitude towards my parents was wrong. My attitude and actions towards women was wrong. I was steeped in lust and pornography and was doing my best to ignore and hide this fact, while painting a pretty church face for all to see. But God is the One who judges me...not myself.
This is also an issue for unbelievers. Proverbs 20:6 says, "Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, But who can find a faithful man?" Unbelievers will taunt their own goodness in hopes that one day it will open the doors to heaven. This is sad, because all have sinned and cannot enter without a payment for their sins. Most people when you ask them on the street will say that they are a "good person." This is because they are measuring their goodness by man's standard which usually means I have not killed anyone and I do some good things. Of course, God's standard is perfection and complete holiness...and there is none who can reach that without the atoning work of Jesus Christ.
So as I write this I am convicted by these verses, understanding (though not fully) how deceitful my heart can be. Of course, I am at peace because Christ has paid my fine and has placed His righteousness on me, thus saving me from the wrath to come. Because of His grace and mercy (not through any work of mine) I can work hard for Him because I love Him not because I must work my way to heaven.
So I ask you...Have you turned from your sins and trusted in Christ?
Will you be at the judgment of believers receiving rewards or at the great white throne judgment hearing Christ say to you, "away from Me...I never knew you"?
Remember, you are not the ultimate judge. The One who sees all and knows all will one day judge you, your thoughts, your actions, your motivations. Please cry out to God for grace, mercy, and forgiveness and He will save you.
ChristAlignment in Their Own Words
5 years ago
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