This week has been an interesting week in regards to politics. With the DNC meeting nearby in Charlotte the discussions around town have been all over the place. There is one subject in particular that seems to have captivated many around my neck of the woods. What is that subject? It's the almost humorous way the DNC rejected God from their platform but then quickly injected God back into it after some negative press. Now, this is not a political blog but looking at this odd behavior I simply want to ask a question.
"Why remove God from your platform in the first place?"
After all, since most American's claim some sort of religious belief wouldn't it seem wisdom to at least mention God? Of course, I am talking from a secular point of view. Personally, I believe that politicians who use God as a means to gain votes are simply blaspheming His name. That said, I do wonder why the democratic party made this move. My only answer is one that scripture seems to indicate.
While I believe this is the deep rooted reason behind this decision, I am truly saddened that it is the case. While many in the DNC may see the concept of God as judgmental and hateful, the reality is that God desires to show them love and grace.
Isn't this wonderful news!? Wouldn't you think that the thousands in attendance would love to hear that God desires to give them life? God is not roaming the earth looking forward to killing off people. He is giving them time to repent so that He can forgive them and change their hearts. Yet, many continue to reject God because they love their sin more than they love the Savior who came to show them the ultimate freedom. My prayer is that many in both parties will see the truth and turn to God, who patiently waits with open arms.
One last comment before I sign off. I am not a "Jesus is republican" kind of guy. The danger inside of the RNC is just as real, if not greater. With the elevation of morality and virtue as platform issues (which is a good thing) comes people who believe God is pleased with them because of their "goodness" or party affiliation. When you add in the Mormon undertones, there is a danger of false doctrine and empty religion leading many astray. Friend, this is just as damnable as murder or adultery. The Gospel is clear, we cannot save ourselves or do enough good to please God. We need a Savior and His name is Jesus Christ (the eternal God-man).
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