Hebrews 10:23-25 " Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Christianity is not a loner religion. Of course, it's often been said that Christianity is not a religion, at all, but a relationship. This is true. Therefore, since Christianity is all about a relationship with Jesus Christ then does it not indicate that relationships are a foundational part of the Christian life?
Throughout my time in ministry I have heard the ever so popular "I don't have to go to church to be a Christian." This statement is factual, though not suggested (just the opposite). The reason is because we cannot do life on our own. Yes, technically we can if we need to, but look what happened to Tom Hanks in "Castaway". The troubles of life, spiritual battles and questions about eternity will leave us grasping for someone (even if it is a painted volley ball).
Why mention this? Simply because, in Hebrews 10 God shoots down the loner mindset with the "let us" verses.
"Let us hold tightly...to the hope we affirm" - As a church we should remain focused on the main truth of our belief, Jesus Christ's death and resurrection (and our coming resurrection).
"Let us...motivate one another" - It's hard to motivate someone if you refuse to be around people. This is why being in a local church is so important. Together we all can encourage (and challenge) each other to live like Christ. Let's be honest, without accountability and the occasional swift kick in the pants we would not grow as quickly as we would like, the church helps with this.
"Let us not neglect our meeting together" - That pretty much shoots down the loner thing. We should do everything in our power to be part of an active church where the Bible is taught, Christ is elevated and church leadership is in place. That last one is usually the reason people refuse to go (regularly) to a church. They don't want to be under any sort of authority structure. The problem with that is that God ordained that structure for our benefit. He desires for us to grow in love, patients and all those other fruits of the Spirit. How can we do that if we remove the main place they are to be grown and nurtured?
I have grown up inside the church and while there were times in my life I could see the appeal of stepping out of a church, I know my life would not be where it is today without the it. It's not about the building or the programs. It's about the people of God and the Word of God changing our lives. WE NEED IT. God Himself dwells in complete fellowship with Himself in the Trinity. Since we are created in His image we also desire that relationship. We can get some of that through our family, but there is also something else that comes with extending that family to the body of believers...spiritual stability.
ChristAlignment in Their Own Words
5 years ago
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