Memory is not one of my strongest attributes. If anything, I have one of the worst memories known to man. Just the other day as I was stepping out the door to head to work, my wife reminded me to take the recycling bin to the curb. With a nonchalant smile and a nod of the head I headed right out the door, into my car and off to work...oblivious. If wasn't that I was trying to be negligent or enjoy frustrating my wonderful wife, I just simply forgot within a 30 second time period.
Of course, I know that I am not alone in this regard. Forgetfulness is one of humanities major issues. As my pastor, David McGee, always says, "we remember what we should forget and forget what we should remember." It seems our fallen nature suppresses the important Truths we need to remember each day, while bringing to mind the inappropriate lyrics of my favorite music from the 90's.
This is the very reason God continues to remind His people over and over again throughout scripture. Whether it is God reminding Joshua that he should be "strong and courageous" because God is on his side or Peter reminding the church in his letters about the promises of God and the power of the Gospel. Each time the Lord is trying to tell His people, "I love you & my promises are true."
Yes, even though this is a vital concept...we forget it. We get the point where we start forgetting the promises of God and instead replace them with the worries of life. When this happens, we often turn to odd means to get ahead. Take King Saul for instance. He was facing the Philistines again and was freaking out because He could not hear from God. He tried prophets, he tried casing lots and dreams and got no response. God had stopped talking to Him. Rather than taking to remember the reason God had grown silent and repenting before the Lord, Saul finds a witch to conger up Samuel (that's a whole post unto itself) like some sort of supernatural messenger service. In the end, Samuel says, "Why have you disturbed me...the Lord has done what He predicted through me." In short, Samuel is reminding Saul of what had happened years before when Saul refused to wipe out all the Amalekites. Saul forgot...and because he forgot he ended up falling into even more sin.
While I may not remember to take out the trash, I do strive to remember two things at all times.
1) The Gospel. After all, if I can continue to remember the reality of my sins being forgiven, and the righteousness of Jesus Christ being placed on myself then I will find joy in this life. Rather then get bogged down in my failures, I can rejoice in the grace of God that forgives my sins. Rather than fear doing enough for God, I can celebrate the perfect life of Christ that is credited to my account. Remembering the Gospel, equips me for living an abundant life.
2) Heaven. There is nothing as fun as remembering our future. God has promised it. He said that He would go prepare a place for us...and He is. I can read the scriptures in Revelation and rejoice at the coming day where there is no more sickness, pain or death. I can remember God's Words about life eternal and being in His presence forever. It may seem weird that we are remembering the future, but this is the reality. God has given us prophetic promises that are there to stir us up to love and good works. The help us face our earthly problems with an eternal mindset. Yes, I may suffer on this earth...but it's only for a small time.
So, when faced with difficulties and anxiety, let's do that thing that is hard to do at times...let's remember. Remember our loving God. Remember His perfect promises. Remember our eternal home. When we do, we will find ourselves overflowing with joy and walking in peace.
ChristAlignment in Their Own Words
5 years ago
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