Hebrews 2:1 "We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away." NIV
During my middle school days there was one instruction from my parents and teachers I heard continually. That instruction was, "pay attention." Being a creative fellow I would often find my mind wondering. I would come across a partially chewed pencil, a paper clip and some rubber bands and I was off in another world, creating action figures from school supplies. These moments of distraction became so regular that I won the "can make a toy out of anything" award in middle school.
This propensity to become distracted has not dwindled with the years. Yes, I no longer create fanciful creatures from my office supplies (though sometimes the thought does cross my mind) but I do have to guard myself against bypassing the important things for those that are lesser. Whether it's my iPhone, Video Games or Dr. Who I must continually remind myself to "pay attention."
Pay attention to what?
The writer of Hebrews is calling believers to "pay attention to what you have heard." The message they have heard is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A message of salvation that is for all people. This message is central to humanity, history and even the universe. It is the Truth that all men desire but only a few will find. It is the story of God's love and redemption...and yet....it can be missed if we don't heed the words "pay attention."
Even those who have been a Christian for years must heed these words because there are many things which can lead us away. It may not necessarily be a huge sinful act that leads us away; it could simply be hundreds of small decisions that wear away our love for Christ like water dripping on a stone. Each day if we don't actively choose to pay attention to God's Word and the deeper, eternal truths we will become distracted by this world and begin to miss God's greater plan for our lives.
This world has a lot to offer. It will show you glittering gadgets, nice sounding arguments and tempting pleasures but nothing can even come close to the power and joy found in Christ. Jesus is the maker and sustainer of life itself and He is the prize we seek after. He is not just a concept, or a historical figure. Jesus is Truth and this Truth has been confirmed by miracles and the Holy Spirit's work in the hearts of men and women throughout history. He is the One we are to pay attention to, because He is the only One who can save us and give us abundant life.
ChristAlignment in Their Own Words
5 years ago
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